Lasting Impressions

Tanzania will be leaving many lasting impressions on my life. This experience has given me invaluable teaching experience, new friendships, and vast cultural knowledge. The amount of time that I was able to teach far exceeded my expectations. I was able to teach lessons that I created to a live classroom and reflect on my teaching. This kind of experience will stay with me forever and I will take my mistakes and accomplishments with me in my future career to make myself into the best teacher that I can be.

The friendships that I’ve made on this trip will also stay with me for the rest of my life. I have not only made close bonds with the other students in the group, but with the teachers, safari drivers, and students that I work and interact with every day. These people have been incredibly welcoming and enthusiastic to teach us about their culture and language. Everyday I learn something new about their life, their background, and their families. I know that their stories will stay with me for a long time and I will always remember their kindness and support during our time in Tanzania.

Finally, the amount of things that I’ve learned about Tanzania and it’s people is incredible. I have not only learned about their rich history and the different tribes that exist today, but I’ve had the opportunity to interact and work with the people on a regular basis. I’ve learned about their lifestyles, values, interests, hopes, and dreams. It has been quite eye opening and has provided me with a new outlook on the world and people living in poverty, which will have a lasting impression on my life. These things have changed me for the better and I will take these experiences with me into my future career and interactions.

– Lauren C.

~ by laurencrutchfield on May 24, 2012.

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